Thursday, 31 July 2014

"Wonderful "

I have been a singer for nearly four years now. Singing is easy. Anyone can do it. Singing WELL is another story. And all the work that goes into it, the writing and production, performing and promotion its a trip I tell you.

But there are moments when its worth it. To sit with my band in the booth cracking our jokes and adding syncopations and getting tired of playing the same loop over and over again till we get it right are all a beautiful part of our process. Of my process.

Next month I release the first single off my album. Its called "Wonderful" and my mum has been saying since I sang it for her that it should be a praise song. Today I was in there going through it while we recorded the final version and new words came to me.

I haven't been to church in nearly two months. Been dealing with some hard things. But to tell you the truth today I remembered God. He is always here for me. Always.

So much of my life wouldn't be possible if it weren't for God carrying me and carving out my path and just being here. I forget when things don't go my way and convince myself that He has let me down or abandoned me. But you know what? People let you down. God never will.

God is wonderful. And for the first time in my short career I am proud to say that I sang a song for Him and it gives me so much joy to share it with the world.

It was originally just a love song I collaborated on with Mahogany Jones and James Sakala with. But now its a really dope song that I recorded with the help of Elect Band and the inimitable Benjamin Blazer. Lol! (It has a cool ring to it.)

Watch this space for updates. I hope you will like it.! ;)

Unforgettably Yours,


Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Choices & Time

Its in the business of the hustle and bustle of life that we often forget the significance of time. We spend so much of it without ever truly appreciating its value.

I have a friend who collects watches. Looking at his collection made me think of all the moments each time piece represents. Because all the hours and the minutes and the seconds of your day pass through each tick of the little hands in your watch whether you care to look at it or not.

Time is so precious.  The opportunity cost of every choice you make in each second of every day is such a phenomenal concept that I deign to dedicate a few lines to the amazing juxtapositions of each moment and choice we make.

A step across the road a minute too soon resulting in death or injury. A glance behind a curtain a minute too late, and you would have missed evidence of betrayal. One moment with a woman instead of staying put at your desk leading to a divorce. One moment being in the right place at the right time and a job offer changes your life.

I could have been anywhere in the world in 2004 but I was where I was and did what I did. Met the people I did became the person I was. 8 years later a chance meeting led to a recommendation that led to another chance meeting that flipped the course of my entire existence. And the wheels have turned and turned and turned. And the time has passed and I did not know it .

Every moment has a twin. Every choice has a twin. One step to the left and a life of peace joy and fulfilment or a step to the right and a life of pain. In moments. Every choice you make triggers a domino effect of actions and reactions in the cosmos that sometimes you don't even understand until it all comes together.

I want to spend the rest of my life making less mistakes. The thing about time is that you can't get it back once its gone. Turning the moments over and over in your mind won't change them once things begin to fall apart.

Its a challenge to me and to everyone else too. What do you want to do with your time and your choices? Live recklessly, without consideration, acting first and thinking later or will you be that person that lives a life of choices made that you can stand behind and proudly own up to because they were the right things to do?

Do the best you can with the time you have. Its all you've got in the end....